July 14, 2020

Track Clients Based on Their Address

When it comes to advertising, quality is often more important than quantity. You can see lots of eye catching stats about total reach and impressions but the most important stat is not how many people see your ad but how many people from your target audience see it. That’s why the ability to place your ads in certain zip codes gives you an edge. In this article, we share more.

Why Location-Based Marketing Matters

A good advertising campaign will make somebody want your product or service, a great campaign will get them to buy. To do that, it helps if you target the ‘low hanging fruit’ of people who are located near to you. This is why advertising in condos is smart. You can tailor your ads to where people live and let them know which of your stores or offices are nearest to them. Now prospects won’t need to waste time googling your site to find out where to go, you can give them an address and direction right within your ads, right where they live.

Case Study Ideas

Imagine you are a professional offering a local service e.g. a medical office, a real estate agent, a pharmacy. You are likely going to be in regular contact with your client, so it helps if they live nearby. The more convenient it is for them, the greater chance you have of creating a client. If you invest in local TV or a local paper, there will still be a lot of areas where people are too far away to realistically visit. So, your campaigns will have a lot of ‘waste’. Advertising in condos gives you an extra level of precision and given 95% of residents own a vehicle and 75% are affluent, they have the financial and physical capacity to see you.

A Personal Touch

Now you can target not just your product but your local office or store. Instead of a generic stock image with a call to action of ‘come see us’, you can add a personal touch. E.g. ‘Meet your local realtor, Sally’, with a picture of her, plus directions to the office. Imagine, you are a local food delivery service, you can show the exact delivery price to their area and encourage them to order.

Let’s Make It Happen

If you want to beat your sales targets, you have to get your targeting right. Give your local business a boost with targeted, impactful advertising to local residents. Contact us for a free consultation.




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