March 19, 2021

5 proven tactics to stay top of mind with your clients

If you are an entrepreneur, whether you work as a solo or run a team of professionals, you have probably heard many times that it’s important to stay “Top of Mind” with your clients. Are you are asking yourself “How do I do that without spending too much money and investing too much of my time?”  We want to share with you 5 proven tactics on how to stay top of mind with your potential and current customers and to show you what it means for your business. 

Build trust – create opportunity 

Staying on top of your clients mind will help build trust in order to make sure that opportunities come your way once they are ready to buy. That’s great, but how do you create trust?

 1. Create authentic content

 Valuable content is a good way to build trusted relationships. It sounds difficult, but it really isn’t. Don’t try to sound like somebody else, just be yourself. That way you will draw the right type of people who feel comfortable working with you and who are most likely to become your clients. Don’t stress about having the perfect writing skills and don’t over analyze your content strategy. Just sit down and write an article or shoot a short video. If you run a business, however big or small, chances are you are an expert in what you do and have valuable information to share. So do it any way you can and just be yourself. With time, you will become better at it and find the content that resonates with your potential clients the most.

2. Share wisdom, help others

Give professional feedback online and offline. Share knowledge at every opportunity, give away free stuff. It can be a product, -or a consultation or just a ticket to an event  that aligns with your brand. Sometimes little things can go a long way and will bring the most unexpected results.

3. Build your brand 

Your message will be more memorable if you have a unique voice. You create a brand by educating people in areas that matter to them. When they are ready to buy, this is what they may think “This company knows everything about staying healthy” or “They are experts in renovations”, “Jessica knows everything about financial investments.” These thoughts create trust and confidence that you can solve their problems and bring them peace of mind. Build your content around life situations and give your expert advice, share your experience and knowledge, create your unique brand, and become a trusted source of information. When the time is right, opportunity arises and you can gain a loyal client.

4. Be consistent

Consistency will help you move from a short-term memory to long-term memory. Once you create the interest and build that connection, the next thing is repetition. It’s not enough to say something once or twice, you have to keep talking, so people don’t forget. You have to be CONSISTENT. Consistency puts you ahead of your competition.

5. Promote your brand

Now that you have created all that great content, you need to promote it to the right people. Depending on your budget and type of business, you might find that some channels are more effective than others. One of the most effective and engaging types of content are videos.  54 % of consumers want to see more video content from a brand they support. (Hubspot 2018). Videos can be used anywhere, from various Social Media platforms to your website and emails.

How we can help

At MaxTV media we offer an engaging and interactive digital screens platform where you can promote your message in the form of a short 15 second video directed to affluent condo residents that live in the area of your business. This way you can target the right audience with the right message at the right time and do it as frequently as up to 450 times a day, 24/7. That’s a sure way to stay at their TOP OF MIND. 

If you are interested to know more about how our platform can help you gain trust with your potential clients, call or email us.



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